Drawn-from-memory Tweety Tab for @researchreactorcorp from my flash.
DM to go absolutely Looney Toons 🧬🧪🌀

Specialising in stylised, unique, illustrative tattoos in colour or black and grey, and large-scale bold tribalism/biomech tattoos, DK is interested in bringing all of your esoteric dermographic needs to life.
Primarily working with both original and classic flash as well as custom work, contact DK for any tribal, traditional, bold, fine, colour, black and grey, freehand, blackout and cover up/blast-over/layering work.
Inspired by music, art, the Modern Primitives movement, freaks, my clients, fantasy, sci-fi, the natural world, the artificial world and the history and future of tattooing/body modification – lets make your dreams come true…